How Closing is Our Pivot

Just like everyone (well, most) in 2020 our lives look so different than we had anticipated in January of this year. Accepting where we are right now, this different path, has been difficult but also a form of relief. Once we came to the realization that Thatcher could close it's literal door but stay open to our community our grief turned into motivation. Nothing will ever replace the time we were able to spend in that little shop with all of you but there is also something special about connecting in this way too. We can't wait to share more of what is motivating us, what we're reading, what products we've found for you, what design services we have in store (??!!!???) and even the process of building our homes (FINALLY! kinda of...more on that later) with you on this road ahead. So, here's to porch deliveries, blog posts, gift boxes, and pictures of my garage!

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